
Nuestras noticias

10 Agosto, 2010

House organist and Santillana del Mar expect

In one of the most beautiful places in Cantabria, Santillana del Mar, the inn is located Organist House. This beautiful inn has a story that more than 1200 years ago, came to the same monks the current location of Santillana, and occupied lands in order to later founded a small church and monastery which ultimately was the biggest Abbey Cantabria during the Middle Ages.

The beautiful inn with the place that shows Santillana del Mar makes this location one of the most attractive for visitors to Cantabria, so in the inn house organist will be delighted and very pleased to be able to attend to your concerns by area, to the best of our services to our customers with rooms that are a pleasure to stay in Santillana del Mar.

  • Calle Los Hornos, Nº4
    Santillana del Mar 39330
  • +34 942 840 352
  • susanainfo@posadacasadelorganista.com